Dungeon Modular Piece

ZITERDES is a gaming company that makes a world of items, oriented to 25-28mm, but suitable for many scales. Here we look at one of their hard foam modular base for Dunkelstadt Dungeon.

Dungeon Element Type 6

Ziterdes produces hard foam and resin models and accessories for the fantasy and sci-fi gaming community.   They can also be incorporated into other modeling genre.   Scenery manufacturer NOCH is a distributor, and kindly provided this sample for review.

This review looks at an element of the Dunkelstadt  Dungeon range:  Dungeon Element Type 6, Article Number 6079375.

This hard foam base dimensions are:

Width 190,00 mm ( 7.5")
Length 190,00 mm
Height 20,00 mm

Molded in hard foam with a thick base, this item is sturdy and shows no tendency for warping.

Packaging is simple: contained in a baggie and sealed with tape marked for the product (shown at the end of this review).


Ziterdes advertises these scaled for 25mm-28mm, common fantasy or sci-fi scales.   And yet I can think of other non-gaming uses.   Enjoy these photos of Dungeon Element Type 6 in ratio to popular scales.

25mm-28mm,: Common Fantasy or Sci-Fi Scales

The painted figure is a Ral Patha model.  Ral Partha sculpted figures with accurate proportions and they tend to be 25mm or a skosh smaller.  The critter directly behind him and to the far left are more 28mm.  The figure in the corner is scaled to 28mm but seems a bit heftier.

1-87 - HO

I think this item can be incorporated into HO model railroading and 1/87 modeling.  The figure to the left is a Preiser model while "Tubby" to the right is from an American set.  The tank is by Artitec.

O scale - 1/48

1/35 - 54mm

Far left is a 54mm figure.  The two on the other side of the wall are 1/35 from different manufacturers.

Detail and Painting

A picture is worth a thousand words so look at the masonry of the floors and walls.  Note the floor of the interior is made of larger blocks than the exterior.  The hard foam has a slight gritty texture, appropriate for stonework.  The base is divided into squares which I think are sized for wargaming movement rules.

Hard foam takes acrylic paint superbly.  Unlike hydrocal, it doesn't slurp up gallons and unlike some resins, it does not repel acrylics without a primer.  When archiving of the old site is complete, you will be able to view examples of painted Ziterdes models.


Whether you are a gamer or want to incorporate Ziterdes into other modeling scenes, I think Ziterdes' range of hard foam scenery and structural models are valuable to my gaming table, dioramas or layouts.  They take acrylic paint easily, they have nice texture, the hard foam is not rock hard so you can gouge or chip it into your aesthetic vision, and it is scales-versatile.

I have no complaints about this item and happily recommend it.

Thanks to NOCH for sending this model for review; please mention to them and retailers that you saw this item here - on ModelGeek.