Hobby sand is ideal for building realistic terrain in dioramas, decorating miniature bases for wargames, and many other creative hobbies. Made of an easy-to-glue and paint material, it is also available in a wide range of colors and sizes, allowing you to choose the most suitable option for each project. When applied to the base or floor of a model, it imitates the natural textures and characteristics of real landscapes, providing a high level of detail and authenticity.
To achieve realistic finishes in your dioramas, we have designed a catalogue of products designed by specialists, which will help you to achieve realism in all your works. Our range of hobby sand is the most complete on the market and thanks to its easy way of use, you will get that extra realism in your works. Don't forget that you can also find a huge list of products for dioramas, scenery, bases and game tables, in just one click. Enjoy creating miniature worlds with our elements. Compatible with all wargames on the market.

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