Tag: Wargames
New Cherubs for Wargames
Enjoy the best resin bits in our catalogue. The widest range of miniatures for your projects.
New resin bits for Sisters of Battle
Customise your army in an extraordinary way.
Fantasy furniture and scenery
Choose from our extensive range, the perfect decoration for your gaming tables.
Life counters !!
A gaming tool, with which you can control your achievements.
Mystic Wargames: The Iron Lord - Iron Warriors Primarch (70mm)
3D printed large-scale alternative for a popular SF tabletop wargame
Mystic Wargames: The Crimson King
3D printed proxy for Magnus the Red (in several sizes)
Epic Battles: American Civil War
Warlord Games are set to release the American Civil War onto gaming tables everywhere.
Piety and Pain in the grim darkness of the far future
Games Workshop has announced a new battle box set for release in the new year.
Victory at Sea - Gneisenau
Warlord games are set to release the Gneisenau onto the high seas in their Victory at Sea wargame. 1 Vessel Metal, Resin. £15.00
M5 Stuart Platoon
This new versatile plastic kit can be assembled as either an M5 Stuart, M5A1 Stuart or an E7-7 Mechanised Flamethrower, and to boot is suitable for many a Bolt Action army, including US, British, Soviet and Chinese. This platoon set gives you three of the...