Reservoir Dog
New from Fantasmagraphics comes a highly detailed 1:6 resin kit of "El Diablo de Toledo". Something for cult figure modellers to really get their teeth into! Ouch! Sorry!
Darkstar may not be familiar to model railroaders, but their range of metallic acrylics, Molten Metals, are superb. Any modeling genre in need of a m...
Adie Roberts continues his inspirations to help inspire modellers of all abilities to work out of their comfort zone building dioramas or just trying new builds.
A Chaos Terminator Lord with optional weapons
3D printed proxy for Magnus the Red (in several sizes)
ParGraphix are to release a 1/350th Discovery XD-1 Pod Bay for the Moebius Models Discovery XD-1 kit.
Fantasmagraphics Studios have announced a new range of resin fantasy models. The first release being a highly detailed 1:6 resin human skeleton.
Randy Cooper reviews this classic rocket ship design by Masterpiece Models and shows off his current build (not quite finished).
Hasegawa are to release a Limited Edition Luna Tactical Reconnaissance Machine LUM-168 CAMEL in 1/20th scale.
HL1005 - Lord of Decay - Rage Lords: a great drop-in for the Primarch of the Death Guard
Green Strawberry are to release in April a host of upgrades for the 1/537th U.S.S. Enterprise / Constitution class from AMT.
Master Box Ltd have announced three new figures in their At the Edge of the Universe. Strange Company’s Adventures. Episode IV range of fantasy figures in 1/24th scale.
Bachmann Europe under the Adventures in Plastic (AiP) brand are to release several Thunderbird models in a range of scales over the next couple of months.
Review of the Red Angel figure by Artel W Miniatures